No. | Judul | Nama Dosen | Dipublikasi pada |
1. | Pengelolaan Sampah Kampus untuk Mewujudkan Kampus Berkelanjutan (Sustainability Campus) |
Tuani Lidiawati Simangunsong, S.T., M.T | Jurnal Prozima vol. 1, no. 1, hal 59-63 ISSN : 2541-5115 |
2. | Kinetics of Oil-in-water Emulsion Stabilization Using Lecithin and Biosilica |
Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 17 No. 1 (2017): 1-7. ISSN 16554418 |
3. | The Effect of Glycerol And Zinc Oxide Addition In The Characteristic of Antimicrobial Activity And Biodegradable Bioplastic From Chitosan – Kepok Banana Peel Starch |
Yuana Elly Agustin, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (1) |
4. | Study of The Influence of ZnO Addition on The Properties of Chitosan – Banana Starch Bioplastics |
Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (1), p. 012044. |
5. | The effect of ratio chitosan-bentonite and processing time on the characterization of chitosan-bentonite composite |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (1) |
6. | Synthesis and Characterization Chitosan – Bentonite Composite | Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (1) |
7. | Preparation of Immobilized Glucose Oxidase Wafer Enzyme on Ca-Bentonite Modified by Surfactant |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (1) |
8. | Cultivation Of Chlorella Vulgaris Using Different Sources Of Carbon and Its Impact On Lipid Production |
Yunus Fransiscus, S.T., M.Sc. | AIP Conference Proceedings |
9. | Effect of Delignification Process on Physical Properties of Sugarcane Baggase Paper |
Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. Edy Purwanto, S.T., M.Eng.Sc., |
AIP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 1840, No. 1, p. 080002. AIP Publishing, 2017. ISBN 978-0-7354-1510-2 |
10. | Bioethanol Production From Whey Yoghurt by Kluyveromyces Lactis | Yuana Elly Agustin, S.T., M.Sc. | International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering (InCITE) 2017, di Bali |
11. | The effect of different concentrations of tween-20 combined with rice husk silica on the stability of o/w emulsion: A kinetic study |
Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 273, No. 1, p. 012023 |
12. | Hydrolysis of Alkaline Pretreated Banana Peel | Akbarning-rum Fatmawati, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 162 (2017) 01202 |
13. | Controlled-Release Fertilizer Based on Cellulose Encapsulation | Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. | International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering (InCITE) 2017, di Bali |
14. | Closed Loop Simulation of Decentralized Control Using RGA for Uncertain Binary Distillation Column |
Rudy Agustriyan-to, S.T. M.Sc., Ph.D. | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 162(2017) 01202 |
15. | The Effect of Temperature on the Production of Nitrobenzene | Rudy Agustriyan-to, S.T. M.Sc., Ph.D. Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 172, No. 1, p. 012045 |
16. | Pengaruh Rasio Asam Sulfat terhadap Asam Nitrat pada Sintesis Nitrobenzena dalam CSTR |
Rudy Agustriyan-to, S.T. M.Sc., Ph.D. Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. |
Seminar Nasional Inovasi Dan Aplikasi Teknologi di Industri, ITN Malang |
17. | Pengeringan Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber Officinale) dan Model Matematis Pengeringannya |
Lie Hwa, S.T., M.T. | Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia UNPAR (Universitas Parahyangan) 2017, Bandung |
18. | Phenol Hydroxylation on Al-Fe modified-Bentonite: Effect of Fe Loading, Temperature and Reaction Time |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 162(2017) 01202 |
19. | Preparation of immobilized glucose oxidase wafer enzyme on calcium-bentonite modified by surfactant |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
20. | Study on kinetic parameter in real yarn dyed wastewater treatment using electrocoagulation-ozonation process |
Prof Ir. Lieke Riadi. Ph.D. | Water Practice and Technology |
21. | The effect of ratio chitosan-bentonite and processing time on the characterization of chitosan-bentonite composite |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
22. | Drying Kinetics of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. | Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. Lie Hwa, S.T., M.T. |
KnE Life Sciences 3, no. 5: 110-117. ISSN: 2413-0877 |
23. | Water Sustainability: Emerging Trends for Water Quality Management. | Prof Ir. Lieke Riadi. Ph.D. | KnE Life Sciences 3, no. 5: 118-130. ISSN: 2413-0877 |
24. | Sekam Padi sebagai adsorben :Evaluasi Adsopsi Untuk Pewarna Tunggal dan Campuran |
Prof Ir. Lieke Riadi. Ph.D. Tuani Lidiawati Simangunsong, S.T., M.T |
Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia UNPAR. ISSN 2477-1694 |
25. | High-grade biosilica isolated from diluted acids leached rice husk | Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. |
The 7th International Congress of Engineering and Information (ICEAI), Kyoto |
26. | Antibacterial Inactivation of Escherichia coli after TiO2-Fe3O4-Bentonite Photocatalytic Treatment |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD), UII Jogjakarta |
27. | Adsorption of Phosphate in Aqueous Solutions using Manganese Dioxide |
Yunus Fransiscus, S.T., M.Sc. | The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD), UII Jogjakarta |
28. | Ozonation of Yarn dyed wastewater in Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor : Kinetic study and Performance Optimisation |
Prof Ir. Lieke Riadi. Ph.D. | The 24th Regional Symposium On Chemical Engineering (RSCE) 2017 |
29. | Upaya Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Petani Lebah Madu Lumbang dengan Pendekatan Teknoligi dan Penguatan Kelembagaan |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. | Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk (Senaspro), UMM Malang |
30. | Pengembangan Unit Usaha Bengkel Gelas UBAYA: Strategi Peningkatan Peralatan dan Kompetensi SDM |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Arief Budhiyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. |
Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk (Senaspro), UMM Malang |
31. | Aplikasi Sistem Wadah Bertingkat Dalam Budidaya Cacing Sutra di Desa Pungpungan Bojonegoro |
Tuani Lidiawati Simangunsong, S.T., M.T | Sinergitas PkM & CSR vol. 2, no. 1 hal 32-41 P-ISSN 2528-7052 ; E-ISSN 2528-7184 |
32. | Pengembangan Perikanan di Desa Pungpungan dan Mojosari Kecamatan Kalitidu – Bojonegoro |
Tuani Lidiawati Simangunsong, S.T., M.T Akbarning-rum Fatmawati, S.T., M.Sc. |
Konferensi Nasional PkM & CSR, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta |
33. | Studi Optimasi Proses Isolasi Glukomanan dari Amorphophalus konjac | Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc. | Simposium Nasional Polimer XI dan Kongres HPI, Gedung PDII-LIPI Jakarta |
34. | Pengaruh Berat Molekul Kitosan Terhadap Kelarutan Karboksimetil Kitosan | Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. | Simposium Nasional Polimer XI dan Kongres HPI, Gedung PDII-LIPI Jakarta |
35. | Improved operational stability of Pebax-based gas separation membranes with ZIF-8: A comparison study of flat sheet and composite hollow fibre membranes |
Putu Doddy Sutrisna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Journal of Membrane Science, 524, 266-279 |
36. | Shear-aligned graphene oxide laminate/Pebax ultrathin composite hollow fiber membranes using a facile dip-coating approach |
Putu Doddy Sutrisna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Journal of Material Chemistry A, 17 (5), 7732-7737 |