Publikasi tahun 2022
Publikasi Dosen Prodi Teknik Kimia tahun 2022
No. | Judul | Nama Dosen | Dipublikasi pada |
1. | The role of C/N ratio on anaerobic decomposition of industrial tempeh wastewater for optimizing methane production | Yunus Fransiscus, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
2. | Impact of surfactant-aided subcritical water pretreatment process conditions on the reducing sugar production from oil palm empty fruit bunch | Akbarningrum Fatmawati, S.T., M.Sc. | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental ScienceOpen AccessVolume 963, Issue 119 January 2022 |
3. | Membrane fouling and fouling mitigation in oil–water separation: A review | Putu Doddy Sutrisna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
4. | Immobilization of xylanase on acid pretreatment bentonite as green biocatalyst | Prof. Ir. Lieke Riadi, Ph.D. | AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering |
5. | Rheological Behavior and Antioxidant Activity of Carrageenan Extracted from Green Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) Using Alkaline Solution at Low Temperature | Dr. Ir. Puguh Setyopratomo, M.T. | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering |
6. | Dynamic study of batch milk cooling process at KUD SAE Pujon | Ir. Rudy Agustriyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. | AIP Conference Proceedings |
7. | The Effects of Material to Solvent Ratio on the Performances of Natural Dyes Extraction | Putu Doddy Sutrisna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering |
8. | Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-Allium Sativum Film | Dr. Ir. Emma Savitri, S.T., M.Sc., IPM | AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering |
9. | Rice Husk Ash for the Stabilization of the Outer Interfacial Layer of W/O/W Double Emulsion | Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering |
10. | Enhancement of the Stability of W/O/W Double Emulsion by Chitosan Modified Rice Husk Silica | Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | International Journal of Technology |
11. | Preparation of highly selective PSf/ZnO/PEG400 tight ultrafiltration membrane for dyes removal | Putu Doddy Sutrisna, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Journal of Applied Polymer ScienceOpen AccessVolume 139, Issue 335 September 2022 |
12. | Dynamic Study and PI Control of Milk Cooling Process | Ir. Rudy Agustriyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology
13 | Hydrodynamic Studies of Two-Phase Liquid-Liquid Slug Flow n Circular Microchannel with T-Junction | Dr. Aloisiyus Yuli Widianto, S.T., M.Sc. | Internasional Seminar on Chemical Engineering Soehadi Reksowardjojo (STKSR)-Ambon Maluku, Indonesia 2022 |