No. | Judul | Nama Dosen | Publikasi pada |
1. | Synthesis of biodiesel from waste cooking oil by two steps process transesterification and ozonation |
Prof. Ir. Lieke Riadi, Ph.D. Aloysius Yuli Widianto, S.T., M.Sc. Edy Purwanto, S.T., M.Eng.Sc. |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(9S) : 17 – 21, ISSN : 0975 – 7384 |
2. | Pusaran waktu di hila hila Tengger: Kajian Sejarah Pranata Pemerintahan dan Sosial; Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Sukapura Kabupaten Probolinggo |
Arief Budhyantoro, S.Si. |
LPPM Ubaya ISBN: 976-602-3416-1-6 |
3. | Kinetic study of enzymatic hydrolysis of acid-pretreated coconut coir | Akbarningrum F., S.T., M.Sc. Rudy Agustriyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. |
AIP Conference Proceedings 1699, 030012 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4938297, 1699 (030012). 030012-1. ISSN 978-0-7354-1346-7 |
4. | Study Of Photocatalytic Degradation Of Basic Blue On TiO2-Fe3O4 Pillared Bentonite |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D. Arief Budhyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. |
4Th International Conference on Chemical Sciences (4Th ICCS) |
5. | Glucose oxidase immobilization on TMAH-modified bentonite | Arief Budhyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D. |
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 15 (1). pp. 22-28. ISSN 1411-9420 |
6. | Use of TiO2-Fe3O4 pillared bentonite as photocatalyst in photodegradation of basic blue |
Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D. Arief Budhyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (9S). pp. 183-188. ISSN 0975 – 7384 |
7. | The effect of banana starch concentration on the properties of chitosan-starch bioplastics |
Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (9S). pp. 101-105. ISSN 0975-7384 |
8. | Degradation of Chitosan by Hydrothermal Process in The Presence of Sonication Pre-Treatment with Supercritical CO2 as Pressurized Fluid |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. | Macromolecular Symphosia, 353. pp. 212-219 |
9. | Zero Order Degradation Rate of Vitamin C in Fresh Orange and Strawberry Juices without Any Presevatives during Storage |
Lie Hwa, S.T., M.T. Dr.rer.nat. Lanny Sapei, S.T., M.Sc. Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. |
Conference on Quaity in Research (QiR) 2015, International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, ISSN 1411-1284.1098-1103 |
10. | Ekstrak Kulit Manggis Bubuk | Ir. Endang Srihari Mochni, M.Sc | Jurnal Teknik Kimia, 10 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1978-0419 |
11. | Simulation of Continuous Bio-Reactor | Rudy Agustriyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering on Science and Applications (Chesa) di Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh |
12. | The Optimization of Biopolyol Synthesis From Liquefaction of Rice Straw Using Response Surface Method |
Edy Purwanto, S.T., M.Eng.Sc. | The 4th International Conference on Chemical Sciences (4th ICCS) di Andalas University, Padang |
13. | Modification of Taro Flour with Fermentation Process | Ir. Endang Srihari Mochni, M.Sc | The 3rd Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology (BISSTECH) 2015 |
14. | Comparison of the Chitosan Degradation through Hydrothermal and Sonication-Hydrothermal Processes |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. | Modern Applied Science; Vol. 9, No. 7; 2015 ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852 |
15. | The effect of the calcinations temperature during synthesis of TiO2-Fe3O4-bentonite as photocatalyst material |
Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. Restu Kartiko Widi, S.Si., M.Si, Ph.D. Arief Budhyantoro, S.Si., M.Si. |
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(9S):70-75 |
16. | Study of Different Operating Conditions during Carboxymethyl Chitosan Synthesis |
Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. Dr. Emma Savitri, S.T., MSc. |
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2015, International Symposium on Industrial Engineering. pp. 1089-1095. ISSN 1411-1284 |
17. | Pengaruh Berat Molekul Kitosan Terhadap Kertas Daur Ulang | Ir. Natalia Suseno, M.Si. | Simposium Nasional Polimer X, diselenggarakan oleh HPI bekerjasama dengan ITS-LIPI-UBAYA |